* LinkedIn: Erik J. Heels: Verio

Verio coworkers.

LinkedIn is very useful for keeping in touch with people who move (or change jobs) more frequently that you can update your address book. But some people are more difficult to find than others. So here’s my plan. I have heard that people sometimes search for references to themselves on the Internet. So if I can’t find them, maybe they can find me.

Verio is a good place to start. Besides the Air Force (circa 300,000 people), Verio is the largest company that I’ve ever worked for. And Verio doesn’t have an formal alumni association like the Sun Microsystems Alumni Association or an informal alumni association like the xBBN group (which I do belong to). (If you are a Verio alum and are interested in doing something like this, leave a comment below to let me know.)

From 1997 to 2001, I worked for Verio, first in their Boston office, then in their Denver headquarters. When I joined Verio, there were about 200 of us. When I left, there were 2,500. Verio went from small to large to public to private in four years. Fascinating stuff. I have often thought about writing a book about my Verio experience. I got to meet and work with more people that I can remember. Fortunately, I have a lot of my email archives, and after grepping those files, sorting and pruning, I’ve got a list of my Verio coworkers. If this works for Verio (and by “works” I mean helps me reconnect with people on LinkedIn), I’ll try it for other groups.

The list is not perfect. There are some duplicates (names vs. nicknames) and some omissions (people with the same name). My name, in fact, was quite similar to the VP of Engineering, and occasionally I would get his expense report check or paycheck by mistake. (Whoo hoo! I’m buying!) And since it’s based on my email records, if you never sent me email, you won’t be on the list.

So here are the approximately 1343 people who were my Verio coworkers between 1997 and 2001.

Angela Aarde, Janet S. Abbey, Tarif Abboushi, Joanne Abel, Cortnie Abercrombie, Mitch Abrams, Julie Adams, Scott H. Adams, Thelma Adams, Tracy Adams, Rachna Aggarwal, Vikas Aggarwal, Tony Albano, Richard J Alberigi, Rick Alberigi, Raoul Alfonzo, Mike Aliscad, Christopher Allen, Eugene Allen, Glenn Allen, Nicole Allen, Peter Allen, Craig Almand, Kendra K. Alvarado, Erick Alvarez, Sharon Amborn, Ken Ambrose, Tom Ambrosi, Will Amen, Tamara Ames, Brent Amfahr, Ralph M. Amitrano, Jorge M. Amodio, Kathy Amro, Ron Anastacio, Doug Ancil, Todd Andersen, Eric S. Anderson, Linda Anderson, Paul Anderson, Suzanne Anderson, Peter Andrews, David Angier, Jon Anhold, Patti Annis, Victor Antablian, Roger Lee Anthony, Lyric Apted, Richard Aqui, Doug Armentrout, Ratna Armstead, Lee Arnold, Olga Arrieta, Russell Arterberry, Joe Asercion, Paul Asquini, Doug Auyong, Michael Ayers, Gaston Ayoroa, Mary Bagley, Thomas Bagli, David Baier, Bob Bailey, Janell Bailey, Rob Bailey, Tom Bajzek, Dan Balaba, Stephen Balbach, Jim Balcomb, Robert Balsiger, Dan Bandy, Chris Banks, Richard A. Barber, Stan O. Barber, Bryant Barchet, Alison Barker, Michele Barnard, Pat Barnes, Ruthlyn M. Barnes, Angela Barron, Armando Barron, Chris Bartell, Paul Bartholomew, Katie Basile, Maureen Bastian, Monika Bauer, Karen Baumann, Leah Bausa, Gini Beck, Stephanie Beck, Sandy Becker, Devin Bedwell, James Bell, Matt Bell, Sam Bell, Bob Bello, Tony Bello, Chris Bellomy, Lysa Bellott, Robert L Beneke, John Benicy, Stacy Bennett, Bethany T. Benton, Drew Berendts, Angeline Bergh, Stephen Bergmann, Matt Berkau, Brent Berrett, Bryan Berrett, Rus Berrett, Mary Beth, Larry Beute, Joe Biancalana, Todd Bice, Betty Bienert, Joseph Birthisel, Steve Bishop, Kliff Black, Chrissy Blackwell, Sandra Blackwell, Bradford Blair, Jeffrey Blumer, Tim Bock, Greg Bolton, Lyle Bonfigt, Sarah Boone, Dick Boren, Thomas Borup, Rusty Bourland, Jason W. Bowers, Frederick Boyce, Chris Boyd, Heather Boyer, Kent Boyer, Dennis Boyle, Carl Brackpool, Jon Bradley, Darin Brannan, Aaron Bratrude, Rich Braun, Michael Breault, John Brehm, Chuck Brennan, Craig Brenner, Will Briegel, Ludy Brito, Paul Chandler Britton, Jeannine Broadwell, David Brogden, Sean Brophy, Brady Brosnahan, David Brouda, Hilary Brown, Kayenta Brown, Matthew Brown, Monika Brown, Roger L. Brown, Kristi Bruno, D. Brunsting, Stephen Brusell, Mark Bryan, David Bryant, Eulonda Bryant, Robert Bryant, Displaced Bubba, Byron Buckley, Carl Buhlman, Richard Burke, Erik Burrows, Randy Bush, Jay Buxton, Phyllis Byrd, Marie Cajuste, Joseph T Calhoon, Michelle Calhoun, Brian Callaghan, Mandy Camden, Heidi Campbell, Tom Campbell, Pedro Canahuati, Mike Canavan, Nicholas Cancelliere, Julia Cannon, Eric Cantor, Sam Cao, Linda Cappuccio, Britt Carlile, Tirzah Carpio, Josh Carrico, Jason Cash, Jim Cashion, Chris Casson, Robert Castillo, Stephanie Casto, Rachelle V Catalano, Rick Caudill, Lee Cazes, Deanne Cecil, Theresa Celebrado, Su Chae, Jeff Chan, Neal Chan, Sandy Chase, James J. Chatlos, Robert Chew, Eby Chibueze, Katie Childe, Kristen Chipley, Ho Cho, Tae Chong, Alonso A Choza, Cody Christman, Shelli Christy, Abby Chumley, Jason Ciano, Leigh Clancy, Terry Clancy, Andrew E. Clark, Drew Clark, Michael B. Clark, Henry D. Clarke, Eric Clem, Danelle Clifton, Ward Closterman, David Coder, Julie Coen, Shirley L Coffie, Michelle Cohen, Peter Cohen, Steven Cohn, Larry Cole, Anita Collins, Christopher Collison, Paul D. Colton, Rachel Comer, David L. Conklin, Trey L. Conley, Bill Conner, Carolyn Conners, Chris Connolly, Michael P. Considine, Mark Cooley, Frank Cooney, Ivor Coons, Michael Cooper, Samuel P. Cooper, Brian Corbell, Warren Corpus, Gene Corrado, Imelda Cortes, Rob Cortez, Alex Da Costa, Carrie A. Councill, William D Cowan, Chris Crantz, Rachael Crawford, Rachel Crawford, Matthew Crockett, Nancy Cromer, John Crossen, Bill Crozier, Tony Cuccia, Roselyn Cullom, Cindy Cummings, Buddy Cunningham, James E. Cunningham, Tom Cypert, Wendy Cyr, Amy Cyrex, Stacy D’amico, Kamoa Da Silva, Darla Daffin, Tara Darcy, Harshal Dave, Christine Davi, Christopher Davis, Eric Davis, Gaylene Davis, Janice K. Davis, Keesha Davis, Matthew T. Davis, Scott Davis, Lovilla Day, Heidi De Young, Michael De La Cruz, Christopher Debracy, Ron Deluca, Chris Demarche, Derek Demoss, Glenn Denison, Rese Dennard, Jessica Dennis, Stephen Dennison, Douglas A. Dever, Jamie Devlin, David L. Dewey, Julie L. Diaz, M. Elizabeth Dick, Sibylle Dietz, Karen Dimarco, Felecia Dinsmore, Clint Dipierro, Cathy Disbrow, Debbie Discenza, Jennifer Distaulo, Michael Dobbins, Jeff Dodson, Gretchen Doerr, Chris Doherty, Bill Donaldson, Pamela Donati, Carla Donelson, Susan Donnelly, Cristina Donoso, John Dostal, Louise M. Doucette, Paul Dowell, Al Dowski, Denise Doyle, Ed Doyle, Sophie Dratt, Tara Driver, Dana Droter, Matt Dubois, Marianna Dundas, Bob Durgy, Amy Dutcher, Gordon Dutton, Tom N. Eastgard, Leslie Eby, Phillip J. Eby, Kendra K. Ecton, Kendra Ecton, Eric Eden, Carin Edie, Christopher Edmonds, Isabel Ehringer, Emily Eisenhauer, Darlene Elder, Angie Ellingwood, Iven Ellis, Julie Elrod, Kevin Engman, Marty Enriquez, Greg Eschinger, Shaun Eschinger, Joe Evans, Leslie Fair, Owen Fairfield, Greg Falconer, Elena Falken, Alf Farnham, Phil Farnsworth, Glenys Feliz, Casonya Felton, Cheryl Ferrell, Thomas Ferri, Brian Field, Emily Finlinson, Craig D. Finn, Thomas Finnegan, Rebecca Fishbein, Andrew Fisher, Steve Flaig, David Flanagan, Amy Fleming, Patrick Fleming, Charles Flohn, Mike Flores, Harry Florio, Whitney Fogt, Adam Foley, Elizabeth Foley, Michael Fontana, Susan Forbes, Linda Ford, David Foster, Jack Foster, Shane Foster, Brian Foust, Krista Frahm, John Allen Francis, Stan Francis, Yvonne Franke, Alex Fraser, Jay Fraze, Chuck French, Michael Fritsche, Peter Fritzinger, Steve Fry, Turnando Fuad, Jackie Fucci, Glenn Fuhrer, Randy Fuller, Eden Fulton, Don Fuqua, Dayve Gabbard, Donica Gabriel, Boyan Gadjev, Dan Gage, Deb Mayfield Gahan, Michelle Gailey, PJ Gallagher, Stephen Gallo, Tammy Galloway, Bill Games, Bob Gannett, Frederick P. Gardner, David W. Garfinkel, Telorian Garner, Gustavo Garza, Cindy Geer, Jamie Geffroy, Krassimir Genov, Petra Gerl, Holger Gerlach, Shila Ghanbarpour, Thomas Gibbs, Tom Gibbs, Lement Gibson, Rick Giguere, Erric Gilbert, Peter Gildea, John A Giles, Roy Gillim, Kelvin Gilmore, Susan Gindin, Andrew Glowacki, Ernesto Gluecksmann, Alan Goldberg, Jim Goldbloom, Sandy Gomberg, Gui Goncalves, Elvira Gonzales, Raymond Gonzales, Pete Goodchild, Diana Goodearly, Lisa Goodell, Barry Goodwin, Louis Gottfried, Bill Gould, Bernie Goulet, Kevin Goulet, Barbara Goworowski, Darren Grabowski, Robert J. Grady, Jennifer Grafton, Ron Grason, Lorilee Graul, Ken Gravatt, Kim Gray, Elliott Green, Eve Green, Sharon Green, David A. Greenberg, Kathy Greene, Stephen Grein, Mark A. Gretz, Cynthia Griffin, John Grimes, Ryan Grimes, Jennifer Grimpe, Jamie Gritton, Daniel P. Grote, Josh Grubman, John Gruender, Barbara Grunwald, Gary Grunwald, Leslie Guerrero, Jay Guilaran, Roger L Gulbranson, Robert L Gunn, Charles A. Gura, Joseph Gustafson, Michael Halasz, Brent Halbert, Andria Haldas, Barbara Haller, Shawn Halverson, Manouela Ham, Ann Hamill, Dan Hammans, Gaylene Hamor, Chad Hansen, David C Hansen, Elizabeth R. Hansen, Eric Hansen, Merrill Hansen, Dave Harding, Celia Hardwick, Kevin Hardy, James T. Harkrider, Craig Harlow, Buzz Harris, Leslie Harris, Matt Harris, Tommy Harris, Steven Harrison, Joy Hart, Ken Hart, Paul Hart, Jim Hartl, Loraine Harvey, Brad Haymond, Tracey Healy, Erik J. Heels, Chris Heinzle, Laurie Helms, Curtis Henderson, Howard Henderson, Martin Henderson, Misty Henry, Cheryl Herman, Jeanna Hernandez, Dan Herrera, Mike Higgins, John Hildwein, Larry Hill, Serena Hill, Doug Hilts, Mark Hilts, Jason Hinkley, Wayne Hinson, Matt Hoban, Paula Maggiore Hoerner, Garey Hoffman, Ron Hoffman, Kevin Hofing, Tim Hogan, Chris Hogue, Janine Holmgren, Eric Hood, Leigh J. Horston., Ken Hostetler, Jason Housel, Jim Howard, John Howard, Randy Howard, Rob Howard, Amalia Hoy, Herbert R. Hribar, Dean Hudson, Karen Hudson, Ron Hudson, Emily Hueber, Richard D. Huff, Kim Hughes, Matt Hughes, Matthew Hughes, Tony Humpage, Damon Humphrey, Charles Hunt, Joanne Hunt, Maureen Hunter, Ed Hurlbrink, Tim Hurlbut, Craig Hurley, Kris Huseth, Joan Hutchison, Leigh-Anne Hyde, Linda Idstein, Barry Ikemoto, Megumi Inaji, Ivan Irizarry, Malini Ivatury, Peter Ivie, Bob Izenberg, Peggy James, Warren Jamieson, Cedric Jamison, Terry Jandernoa, Joey Janisheck, Ross W. Jardine, Justin L. Jaschke, Nichole Jefferson, Ahmed Jemal, Todd M. Jinhong, Hussain Jinnah, Vinnie John, Gary Johnson, Jessica L Johnson, Leslie Johnson, Mark Johnson, Mary Johnson, Scott Johnson, Sheronda Johnson, Chris Johnston, Steve Johnston, Bo Jolley, Brian Jones, Eric Jones, Sheunta Jones, Dan Jordt, Gerry Joseph, Phillippe Joseph, Julia Joyce, Thomas Juarez, Doug Junkins, Carl W. Kalbfleisch, Michael Kaluscha, Anna Kane, Jerry Kappatos, Sayeed Karim, Ben Katz, Ferda Kavak, Dayton Keane, Tamara Keefe, Hayley Keeling, Shelly Keen, David Kelley, Karen Kellicut, George S. Kelly, Matt Kelly, Kara Kemahli, Patrick Kennedy, Tom Keough, Maria Kernen, Kathleen Kerrigan, Katie Kerrigan, Larry Kersten, Rahat Khan, Jim Kieffer, Rand Kiessig, Madison Kilpatrick, Dorian Kim, Michael A. King, Shanon Kingen, John Kingma, Ryan Kirby, Sherry Kirby, Neal Kite, Khan M. Klatt, Richard P. Klau, Inger A. Klekacz, Rick Klenotiz, Rob Klippel, Eric D. Knapp, Bobby Knight, Derrick Knight, Jeffrey S. Knobler, Michelle Knoop, John Knowles, Kevin Knutson, Ron Kohn, Andy Komonchak, Michael Kopp, Barbara Korta, Liz Kosztolnyik, Linda Krauser, Nick A. Kromenacker, Scott Kugelman, Bob Kupiec, Joe Kupiszewski, Clark Kurtz, Srini Kuthalam, Sandra Kwiedor, Andrew Kylman, Sherrie Lachance, Matt Lagrotte, James F. Lain, Ken Lallatin, Darin Lane, Scott Lane, Yu Lang, Corinne Langston, Jennifer Lara, Matthew Lariz, Cameron Larson, Eric Larson, Mark E Larson, Wendy Larson, Chris Lathrop, Miguel Latimer, John P. Latorre, Pat Laubacker, Chris Lavagnino, Kimberly Law, Angela Lawrence, Jenny Layton, Steve Layton, Jef Leary, Jennifer Leasure, Jasmine Lee, Zach Lee, Cheryl Lemire, Chris Lemond, Robert Leptich, Jeff Lester, Bill Levering, Glenn Lewis, Jennifer Lewis, Mark Lewis, Rosemary Lewis, Mark Libutti, Steve Lilley, Van Lindberg, Wendy Lingo, Michael F. Linos, Steve Little, Kathleen Litton, Tony Llopis, Rodney Loges, Joan Lombardo, Walter Lopez, Lisa Lopiccolo, Jonathan Lotman, Dan Lowe, Jerry Lowetz, Robert Lubeck, Jeremy Lublin, Christine Lucas, Cynthia K. Lucas, Sherry Lucas, Meri Lull, Ariel Lumba, Jackie Lutey, Jennifer Lutz, Tracy Lycett, David Lyon, Todd Lyon, Barry Lyons, Marc M, Daniel Mach, Norm Maciejewski, Debbie Maestas-Traynor, Dan Magill, Michael Magnusson, Roy Magras, Bob Mahalik, Brian Maher, Lisa Mallalieu, Mike Malsman, Sue Manaker, Mike Mann, Shaun Mantele, Christiaan Marais, Leslie Marcell, Matthew Marcum, Richard Marelli, George Mari, Jim Marinelli, Karen Marozsan, Michael Marrs, Antonio Marsh, Ian Martin, Rob Martin, Stacey Martin, Thomas C. Martin, Tonya Martin, Cristina Eva Martinez, Yoshinobu Masatani, John Mason, Lori Mason, Lynn Materna, Dean A Maxwell, Lisa Mayhugh, Mike Mazur, Andrew McCaffrey, Jason McCalla, Colin McCarty, Bryan McCleery, Cathy McClover, Ed McCormack, Donald McCourt, Shawn McCracken, Barbara McDonagh, Deborah McDonnell, John McGarry, Susan McGillivray, Trent McGrath, Rachel McKane, Louis McKee, Margy McKenna, James McKethen, Lu McKinnon-White, Christopher McKinzie, Kevin Ray McLain, Mary Eileen McLaughlin, Meghan McLaughlin, James McLellan, Richard McLemore, William McLoughlin, Bill McManus, Jennifer McManus, Susan McManus, Doug McMaster, James McMenamin, Melinda McNamara, Frank McTague, Liseth Mejia, Edward Melendez, Jeff Meltzer, Jason Menendez, Luis E. Mercado, Pat Mercer, Morris Mercier, Richard Merz, Amy L. Meyer, Tim Meyer, Deniece Meyers, Jonathan Drew Michael, Dragan Mickovic, Chris M. Miguel, Ed Millan, Maria Millan, Clara Miller, Elliot Miller, Kathleen G. Miller, Kathy Miller, Geoffrey Millikan, Hilary Millikan, J. Kent Millington, Edward R. Milstein, Andrea Minor, Larry Mintz, Chris Mirkovich, Ryan Mitchell, Melody Mitchem, Wade Moeller, Wolf Dieter Moggert, Chad Moller, Paul Monson, Paul Montoya, Linda Moody, Gene Moore, Gilbert Morales, Phill Moran, Christine Morehouse, Jon Moreira, Jonathan Moreira, Tania Morell, Bill Morgan, Harlan Morgan, Masaaki Moribayashi, James Morison, Kate Morrell, Mary Kate Morrell, Shawn Morris, Kyle Morrissey, Chris Morrow, Kimberly S. Morton, Ric Moseley, Lewis Moten, Mark Moulder, Susanne Muehlbauer, Tahir Mufti, Scott Muir, Joe Mullins, Fred O. Munn, Charles Murphy, David Murphy, Matthew Murphy, Ginna Musgrove, Matt Musselman, Woody Musson, Fred Mwenye, Allen R. Myers, Bill Myers, Bob Myers, Zachariah Myler, Dave Naeger, James Nardi, Bonnie Nasr, John Nassar, Steve Natale, Mike Nau, Marco Navarro, Pete Naylor, Evelyn Neal, John A. Neely, Kirk Neely, Arlene Neff, Rusty Nejdl, Larry Nelson, Laura M. Nelson, Cindy Ness, Dawnita Newman, John Nguyen, Linda Le Nguyen, Tuan Nguyen, Mike Nichter, Paul E. Niedermeyer, Amy Niemi, Anthony Nixon, Pat Noble, Brent Normand, Tara North, Maureen Norton, David Nubine, Mark Nugent, Kim Nystrom, Kimberly Nystrom, Harry O’Brien, Joe O’Byrne, Karen O’Byrne, Vicky O’Donnel, Suzie O’Donnell, Jill Ogonowsky, J.R. Oldroyd, Steve Olmsted, Mark Orland, David Ormesher, Brenda Ortiz, Richard Osborn, Saira Ostrowski, Adrian Otto, David Oury, Brad Owen, Mary Alyce Owens, Ray Palmer, Mickey Panayiotakis, Lou Pape, Jeffry Park, Howard Parker, Walter Parker, Rebecca Parks, Joe Parungao, Sharon Pass, Graham Passey, Aaron Patt, Bruce Patterson, Kim Patterson, Tim Pauling, Aaron Paulson, Nancy Pawlowski, Dan Paxton, Jesse Pearson, Neil Peay, John Peer, Diana Pegrum, Mona Peloquin, Frances Penoyer, Larry Perini, Bill Perkins, William Perkins, Priscilla Perrotti, David Petersen, Ken Petersen, Maria Petersen, Andy Peterson, Dan Peterson, Jeff Pettit, Michelle Pfister, Kim Pham, Robert Philips, Michelle Phillips, Lawrence Phipps, Gerard Pierre, Martee Pierson, Ravi Pina, Walter Pinto, Erica Pleasanton, Emory A. Plitt, Elizabeth Pogue, John A Poletes, Diane Poletti-Metzel, Aleksey Polkhovskiy, Jared Pollister, Sarah Pollister, Dale Poncy, Richard Pook, Don Pope, Jeff Porter, Jeffrey Porter, Carolyn Pratt, Cindy Press, Cindy Press-Segur, Christine Pressotto, Rich Prillinger, Kris-Angela Primak, Andrew Prins, Matthew J. Probst, Tim Prom, Tom Puente, Donna Pults, Jeff Pults, Todd Pyburn, Cindy Qiu, Deirdre Quigley, Marva Quince, Tricia Quinn, Paul Quintela, Debra Radcliffe-Borsch, Annie Ramoodith, Carl Ramsey, Joe Rana, Randall C Rap, Rajib Rashid, Randy Rasmussen, Bernice Ray, Connie Reed, Sharon Reed, David Reese, Geoffrey Reese, Talitha Reeves, Steve Reggio, Eric S. Reichard, Jennifer M. Reider, Michael P. Reilly, Andell Remigio, Manny Rendon, Valerie Reno, Matt Rhodes, Jon Ribary, Kerry Jo Richards, Chuck Richardson, Christiane Richly, Terrence Rideau, Joyce Rifkin, Alan Rihm, Sal Rinaldi, Michael Ripper, Fran Rizzitano, Chris Robbins, David Roberts, Patricia Robertson, Randy Robertson, Dan Robinson, Dwight Robinson, William J. Rockwood, Robert Roell, Julie Rogers, Sharon Rogers, Steve Rogers, Todd Romero, Lynn Rooney, Wena Rosario, Bob Rose, Janis Rossi, Matt Rossiter, Gerry Roy, Christina Ruby, Charmain Rucker, Jim Rudnick, Jennifer Ruggeri, Sara Ruhmann, Michael Rukavina, Kendra Rullman, Ivy Rune, Jim Rusnock, Becky Russell, David Russell, Terri Ryan, Peter J. Rzeminski, Ken Sabey, Steve Sackman, Hanan Said, Rhonda Sanchez, Heather Sander, Mary Sanders, Joe Sarmiento, Joy Sauer, Ricardo Savignon, Theresa Sawulski, Art Sawyer, Jennifer Saxberg, Dana Schad, Mark Schaefer, Jack Schaffer, Fritz Schaper, John Schick, Laurie Schmeer, Kristi Schmidt, Peter Schnack, Doug Schneider, Daryl Schoneberg, Tim Schuh, Steve Schultz, Becky Schutz, Roy Schwalm, Michael Schwartz, Andrew Schwenk, Gary K. Scott, Sabrina Scott, Chris Sedlacek, Tim Seeley, Charles Sellers, Chuck Sellers, Jay Sellers, Jena Sellers, Sanjita Sethi, Arlyne Sevilla, Mitchell Sharp, Brian Shaw, Mary Shaw, Gavin Shearer, John Sheflin, John Shelley, Edward Shephard, Karen Shepherd, Kimberly Shepherd, Robert Shepherd, Rajiv D. Shetty, Matthew Shields, Will Shinen, Kellie Short, Scott Shute, Sue Sievert, Susan Sievert, Tiffanie Sievert, Patrick Sigourney, Mike Sikora, Ruben Silva, Vicki Silva, Steven Silvers, Karin Simka, Betty Simmons, Jodi Simons, Claire Simpson, Michelle Simpson, Lawana Sims, Marty Sims, Gary Sintay, Lou Sisneros, Don Sivesind, Annette Sjoblom, Mark Skinner, Angie Skrabak, Elizabeth Slaughter, Jim Slaughter, Alex Slawsby, Brian Smith, Douglas Smith, Greg Smith, Heath Smith, Jeff Smith, Jon Smith, Keith Smith, Kevin Smith, Scott Smith, Steve Smith, Cynthia Smithers, Lisa Sneddon, Sally J. Snook, Kelli Sobel, Brian Soderblom, Stacey D. Son, Mark Spencer, Scott Spencer, Todd Sprangers, Stephen Spring, Kari Sprotbery, Daniel J. Sproul, Michael K. Squires, Mike Squires, Tom Stanfield, Edric Starbird, Markie Starkey, Marquitte Starkey, Shawn Starling, Mark Stawson, Adam Steinback, George C. Stephens, Joe Stephenson, Jason Stevens, Tino Steward, Dalton Stewart, John Stewart, Malcolm Stewart, Matt Stewart, Sherry Stoker, Bill Stoltz, Casey Stongle, Tray Stoutmeyer, Jeff Stowe, Winona Strater, Brant Street, Heidi Strong, Heidi Stubbs, Tim Sullivan, Caroline Sundquist, Mike Suter, Stacie Sutter, Timothy Sutton, Andrew Swartz, Geoff Swope, Chet Szymanski, Brian Taffe, Toru Takama, Mimi Talamonti, Nick Talbot, Anthony Talltree, Sueyuan Talton, Krista Tamburino, Andrea Tarr, Dave Taylor, Juanita Taylor, Sharron Taylor, Wendy Tchinski, Jim Templin, Lucy Thein-Wiening, Jill Theobald, Peter Theobald, Wendy Thiessen, Jennifer Thill, Matt Thoene, Brandonn Thomas, Carolina Thomas, Christopher Thomas, Samuel Thomas, Danna Thompson, Gary Thompson, John Thompson, Keith Thompson, Paul Thompson, Terry Thompson, Bobbi Thornhill, Kola Thorpe, Laura Tierrafria, Travis Tisa, Elise Titus, Tristan Tomaselli, Andrea Tomasovsky, Carol Tomaszewski, Jason Tomberlin, Ivan Tompkins, Ulises Torres, Brian Torsey, Todd Treusdell, James P. Treuting, Chris Trevino, Grisha Trubetskoy, James Trueman, Ron Tuchin, Pat Turba, Michele Turberville, Michelle Turberville, Carl Tuttle, Allyn L. Tyler-Shaw, Kelly Tyson, Adam Ulmer, George Usi, Christopher Uy, Vanessa Valderrama, Radleigh Valentine, Vilia Valentine, Rey Valle, Daniel J. Van Dam, Nicole Van Doren, Shelly Van Veldhuizen, Steve Van Teighem, Kerry Vance, Shelley L Vandegrift, Gary Vandermolen, Jeff Vanderwege, Wendy Vannoy, Stephanie Verheul, Karin Vierling, Kathy Vinson, John R. Viviani, Mark Vogler, Dan Vortherms, David Vrona, Chris Wade, Eric Wages, Kenny Wagner, Russell Wagner, Dennis Wakabayashi, Bruce M. Waldack, Chris Walker, Ian Walker, Patricia Walker, Ann Wallace, Rodney E. Walston, E. Dale Walton, Erik Walum, Erik S.E. Walum, Anne Wamunyu, Jessica Wangner, Toni M. Wareham, Je`Rel Washington, Dick Watkins, Richard Watkins, Deanna Watson, Chris Watters, Glen Webb, Michele C. Webster, Randy Webster, Rick Webster, Steve Weil, Greg Weinerth, Sophy Weintraub, Dawn Wells, Mike Stymie Wertheimer, Julian S. West, Michael Wheeler, Steve Whitaker, Elizabeth Whitaker-Garcia, Matthew White, Shaun Whitehorse, Ross Whitney, John Whittington, Tom Wilcox, Tonya Wiliams, Bernestyne Williams, Don Williams, Gordon Williams, Karen Williams, Monica Williams, Thomas Williams, Mark Williamson, Blake A. Willingham, Sandy Willis, Janice Wilson, Michael Wilson, Ricky Wilson, Charlie Winckless, Diane Wine, Michael Wineberg, Spencer Winegarden, Steve Winer, Keith Wings, Scott Winn, Paige Winstead, Bill Wirt, Carrie Wise, Debbie Wisniewski, Thomas Woezel, Samantha Wolff, Eric Wolocatiuk, Isaac Wood, Carol Woods, Ken Woods, Les Worley, Brad Wright, Caroyln Wright, Hope Wright, Karen Wright, Shannon Wright, Rich Wynn, T Bryce Yehl, Ben Yerushalmi, Danielle Yoder, Bob Zaborowski, Jeffrey Zanni, Peter Zhao, Raul Zighelboim, Rhonda Zimmer, Jeff Zindel, Adrienne Zirilli, and Laura Zung.

View Erik J. Heels's profile on LinkedIn

13 Replies to “* LinkedIn: Erik J. Heels: Verio”

  1. Hi Erik I am trying to find one of your posters Dawnita Newman can you please forward my email address to her? Thanks.

  2. I worked for Verio and still today I tell everyone that it was the best company I ever worked for. I would do it all over again given the chance. I really miss the folks I worked with there. I’ve been through alot of hardships since leaving there. I now live in St. Mary’s, GA diagnosed with cancer two days ago. Maybe one day I get back down to Boca Raton it always gave me more positive energy. Be Blessed Verio Family!

  3. Wow did these names bring back memories!! I was also a past employee of Verio. I remember your name but sorry I don’t remember you directly. To this day this was one of my favorite places I’ve worked. I left shortly after NTT bought us out and went on to a start-up. Since I have done many things but ultimately have decided to pursue my passion in nursing. I hope you have had lots of luck in your endeavors and would definitly interested in hearing any updates! Take care!

  4. Hi,

    Just found this place recently – good to see some old familiar faces. Working for Scholastic Bookfairs these days and living just outside Orlando, Fl.

  5. Hi Erik,
    I use to work with you too at Verio, I was also a victim of the 2001 layoff’s. I worked in the New Orleans Office as a Premier Customer Service person ( I forgot the correct title). Pat Noble was my Team Lead ( God rest her soul ), she passed a few years back fighting cancer. I miss my friends at Verio and hope they’ve all moved on to something better.
    After the mass layoff on Oct 01, I was jobless for 9 months before getting an Inventory job with a local furniture company. After 9 months of that me and my wife almost bought a Smoothie King franchize and I started a new job for a local grocery store in the Account dept. I was there from 2003 to 2006, after hurricane Katrina alot changed.
    When we evacuated my wife was 40 weeks pregnant, so we had a big baby boy ( Brent II ) he was 10′ 6 oz. 6 months after the storm instead of leaving like a lot of other people we took a chance and bought a Cafe. It’s called Cafe Latte II. So I cook, clean, make orders, take in orders, make deliveries, I do it all. But when you own your own business you have to make sure things are being done right. Well things are going in the right direction, slow but right direction.

    I don’t think I ever had to contact you while I was at Verio, but I wanted to share what was up with me and I hope you take care.

    PS Congrats on the Red Sox 2 tiltles in the past few years, the Yankees can’t win them all but we do need a title soon. LOL
    Brent Normand
    New Orleans, LA

    Geaux Tigers

  6. Hi Erik, I don’t really have a handle on what you are doing but thought I’d let you know that I did in fact, search my “old” name and was led to your site. I’m now married and have been going by my first name for about 10 years now. Good luck on your endeavors. BeverlyAnn

  7. Erik – It worked! 😉 Albeit a long time after you posted this.
    Randy, I’d be interested in hearing what you mean by a more open system

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