Are you a HNWI?

17 Seconds #83. Useful Info Quickly.

If so, then please let me know, as I’d like to add you to in a new invite-only service by GiantPeople for high net worth individuals (HNWIs) in my network.

The new (as yet unnamed) GiantPeople service is consistent with my LinkedIn profile (, which states:

“I connect and help people with no specific expectation of return (except for Clocktower billable work). My connecting takes several forms: connecting startups to patent/trademark services (Clocktower), connecting startups to whatever they need (MassChallenge, Startup Grind, Techstars), connecting givers to whatever they need (Treehouse), and connecting HNWIs/investors/founders to whatever they need (deal flow, impact, philanthropy).” (emphasis added)

When I founded Clocktower ( in 2001, I adopted the philosophy of helping everyone who contacted us – with no specific expectation of return – whether or not they needed patent help, whether or not they needed legal help.

That policy has proven to be very helpful: I now have about 35,000 unique contacts in my database (which I created with FileMaker in 1988), have helped* 36 of Clocktower’s clients get acquired since 2001 (with the public exits valued at over $6 billion), and created the Treehouse ( networking group of/by/for givers.

I hope to hear from you!

*A good IP attorney for a startup is like a good umpire for a baseball game: you should not notice them. What’s it worth to the Red Sox not to have any blown calls in a playoff game? What’s it worth not to get sued for patent infringement? Not to have to rebrand? You get the idea.

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