* The Personal Side Of Blogging

Trying to use weblogs to keep conversations going that were started face-to-face.

On Wed 03/24/04, I attended the Chicago blogger dinner organized by my friend Rick Klau. I know that Dennis ended up not making it, but the table was so big, I’m not sure who else did or did not. But it was more or less this group:

I spent most of my time chatting with Matt Homann, Fred Faulkner, Barry Bayer, and Ernie Svenson. I was in Chicago for the ABA’s annual TechShow, and so the conversation generally focused on issues at the intersection of law and technology, including especially weblogs.

I recently (re)separated my weblog from my website in an attempt to free the former from the constraints of the latter. I felt, among other things, that my weblog was not realizing its potential to serve as a conduit for conversations on topics that I (and presumably others) care about. The conversations we had at dinner were lively and rich. As a direct result of the dinner, I am going to try to post more regularly to my weblog in an attempt to keep the conversations going. I feel more comfortable linking to weblogs of people that I’ve met.