* American Idol S07E28: Top 8: Inspirational Songs

AI season 7 episode 28.

3. Jason Castro – “Somewhere Over The Rainbow.” Complete with Jason playing the ukulele. I love this version of this song (by Israel Kamakawiwo`ole). He’s not doing the “What a Wonderful World” half of the song, but the half he is doing he’s nailing. Very nice. Randy thought it was blazing hot. Paula Abdul has a new album coming summer 2008. Simon thought it was fantastic. I think he is safe.

1. Michael Johns – “Dream On.” Steven Tyler is a tough act to follow, but he does an admirable job with both the low notes and the high (falsetto) notes. He even looked at the camera a little bit. Randy thought it had some pitch problems, thought it was alright. Paula Abdul has a new album coming summer 2008. Simon thought it was very good but prefers his bluesy style over wannabe impersonations. I think he’s safe.

7. David Archuleta – “Angels.” He’s playing the large and shiny piano. A bit off pitch at the beginning. A little out of voice during the verse. But he kicks it into high gear in the chorus. Plus a classic David A. big finish. Randy said it was crazy hot. Paul Abdul has a new album coming summer 2008. Simon thought it was the best song choice of the note and nit-picked that it was a little nasally. I think he’s safe.

4. Kristy Lee Cook – “Anyway.” She is off key at the beginning. Her stage presence is very awkward. I almost think she’d do better with a headset mic. This song is painful. She had a big ending, but I’m not sure it’s enough to save the performance. Randy thought it was good but had some pitch moments. Paula Abdul has a new album coming summer 2008. Simon thought it was very good. I think she’s on the fence.

5. David Cook – “Innocent.” Sounds like he has potatoes in his mouth at the start of the song. The start is rough. He’s all over the place. Where is the melody to this song? Where’s the hook? A crazy broad theme like “inspirational songs” and he chose this? The background singers are too loud, and he’s shouting. The last phrase was OK, but the entire song was just odd. Randy didn’t get it, said he fell short. Paula Abdul has a new album coming summer 2008. Simon didn’t like it very much, thought it was pompous, wasn’t anywhere near as good as the last two weeks. I think he’s on the fence.

2. Syesha Mercado – “I Believe.” Oh no, a Fantasia song. Danger, Will Robinson! The first part of the song is kind of ho-hum. Now she’s yelling and being drowned out by the backup singers during the chorus. Serious pitch problems, then a painful high falsetto note. I think this song really showed her limitations as a singer. Randy thought it was just OK, felt not connection to the song. Paula Abdul has a new album coming summer 2008. Simon thought she sung it well but without emotion. I think she’s on the fence.

8. Brooke White – “You’ve Got A Friend.” I’ve always felt that this was sort of a sad and depressing song, not an inspirational song. But that’s just me. Oh no, she has sung the song in a talent show. She looks upset as she is sining this song. I fear she is falling into the trap of sining boring songs. As much as I love her voice and think she should be in the top four, I don’t think this is the kind of song that will have people rushing to vote for her. Randy thought it was OK (but he wasn’t mad at her either). Paula Abdul has a new album coming summer 2008. Simon thought it was nice, a pleasant walk in the park. I think she is in trouble.

6. Carly Smithson – “The Show Must Go On.” Tattoos are like dogs. People with one dog, that’s fine. Two dogs, that’s OK. Three dogs, probably a bit much. More than three, and you’re crazy dog person. So I am more than a little bit distracted by all of the tattoos. This is not a singer’s song. And she’s yelling all over the place. Yuck. Lots of pitch problems. I think she’s’ going to be criticized for poor song choice. Randy thought it was disconnected, just OK. Paula Abdul has a new album coming summer 2008. Simon thought she looked good but that it was an unusual song choice, thought she over-sang it and lost control of the song, that it came over as an angry performance. Exactly. I think she’s in trouble.

Bottom three:
2. Syesha Mercado
8. Brooke White
6. Carly Smithson

Going home:
6. Carly Smithson