* A New Blog For ErikJHeels’s Birthday

Out with the old blog, in with the new.

Happy birthday to me. I’m 42 today. While 42 is not prime, it is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. So I got that goin’ for me.

No need to buy me a birthday present. I bought myself a new blog. Just share this blog post, add a comment, or do nothing, and I’ll be happy.

Since I assume most of you read this in Google Reader (or some other feed reader), here are some pics of my shiny new site (click images to enlarge):

Before I installed the new theme, I upgraded WordPress to 2.5.1 (on this and four other websites). I don’t recommend using the WordPress three step upgrade. Use my revised three-step upgrade instead:

  1. Upgrade your plugins to the latest versions, test them, then disable all plugins.
  2. Do the WordPress three step upgrade.
  3. Enable your plugins and test them.

Thanks to Rick Klau for the pointer to the FeedBurner StandardStats plugin, which made re-implementing FeedFlare on my site much easier than the old edit-php-files-manually approach.