* YearOfDisruption.com: Top 10 Disruptive Law Practice Management Articles

Plus 14.

By Erik J. Heels

First published 9/1/2016; YearOfDisruption.com; publisher: GiantPeople.

  1. Free Your Law Practice’s Computing Budget (2013-09-09)
    Don’t let your software party like it’s 1999.
  2. New Website and Blog: Local, Social, Mobile, Good Enough (2013-01-17)
    Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.
  3. HTML/CSS Test Page For Web Designers (2012-12-18)
    Clueful HTML Brain Dump by ErikJHeels.
  4. How To Start A Boston Patent Law Practice (2011-11-08)
    Advice for new Boston patent lawyers.
  5. Top 10 Questions To Ask Before Your Company Spends Money On Social Media (2010-09-12)
    Social networking is not magic.
  6. Drawing That Explains Contact Syncing (2010-02-04)
    Email is social networking glue.
  7. How Real Life Interfered With My Social Networking Fun (2010-01-26)
    Don’t sweat the small stuff.
  8. There Is No Right To The Status Quo (2009-05-13)
    The only constant is change.
  9. How To Fire Your Lawyer (2009-01-27)
    Terminating your attorney-client relationship.
  10. Book Review: Selling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing (2008-11-18)
    By Harry Beckwith.
  11. Drawing That Explains Social Networking (2008-11-03)
    How to visualize social networking.
  12. Paid Content = Invisible Content (2008-01-23)
    The more you hide your content, the less relevant it becomes.
  13. Illegal Feeds And Betting Against The Internet (2007-09-14)
    The clue train has left the station, and most publishers aren’t on board.
  14. Boxy But Good: Honesty In Advertising (2007-02-01)
    It’s the best policy.
  15. Suicide Bears (2007-01-23)
    Worst ads redux.
  16. RedStreet Website Relaunched (2007-01-01)
    Historic website documents the finest of the first law firm websites.
  17. Worst Ads Ever (2005-09-28)
    High powered ad agencies are overrated.
  18. How To Set Up VNC Over SSH On Windows XP (2005-04-18)
    Step-by-step instructions for setting up an SSH server, a VNC server, and an SSH client in order to VNC securely from one computer to another.
  19. How To Create A Dual-Boot Linux/Windows Laptop For Under $700 (2004-04-25)
    Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 3 and Windows 2000 Professional on a Dell Latitude C600 laptop.
  20. How And Why To Try Open Source Software (2003-11-01)
    The year of being open minded turned out to be the perfect year to switch to open source software. In this article, I’ll discuss why I decided to make the switch, how I am doing it, and why lawyers should consider open source software.
  21. Fire Your Website, Hire A Weblog (2003-09-01)
    Don’t start a weblog. Replace your website with a weblog. In November 2002, I started experimenting with weblog software. Three months into the experiment, I had converted my existing website into a weblog powered by Radio Userland Software. After only two months, I switched to the much more capable Movable Type software. In this article, I discuss what I did, how I did it, and why some law firms are catching weblog fever.
  22. Business Is A Conversation (Or Clueful Lawyers) (2000-10-01)
    The business of law is a conversation. Are you conversing?
  23. Book Review: The Cluetrain Manifesto (2000-10-01)
    The central startling simple revelation in the book is that business is (or should be) a conversation.
  24. Why Lawyers Should Get On The Internet (1994-11-02)
    Legal research on – and legal issues raised by – the Internet.

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