* Recursive Blogging

In which we learn about the limitations of Google Reader Shared Item Notes.

In tribute to my favorite software class at MIT, I have a recursive logo. The logo – an airplane in a circle – appears in the tail of the airplane. So it’s a logo in a logo. In my MIT class, 6.001 (i.e. “Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs” – but everybody refers to it by number not by name), we learned Scheme, a dialect of the LISP programming language. One of our assignments was to write a Scheme interpreter in Scheme, to learn about the recursive features of the language.

So this blog post is a little experiment in blog recursion for my friend Rick Klau, who has been part of an ongoing conversation taking place primarily via the Notes feature of Google Reader Shared Items.

This will make more sense if you subscribe to my Google Reader Shared Items or one of my other social networks.

And I promise to get back to more normal topics (branding, trademarks, domain names) shortly.

Tags: @intersectionfail