* New Website and Blog: Local, Social, Mobile, Good Enough

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

Clocktower Law Group

A long time ago (actually 2011-01) in a galaxy far far away (actually Boston), I started redesigning my website and blog. Then there was this whole thing with the Death Star. So long story short, I have a new website and blog, and they are OK.

But don’t take my word for it. The anonymous reviews are in!

  • “Arguably one of the websites we’ve seen today.”
  • “Please remove me from your mailing list.”
  • “We’re so proud of you, son!”
  • “You’re a lawyer?”
  • “I don’t get it.”

For those who care (hi Mom!) here are screenshots of the home pages from the old website and blog:

And here are the new ones:

The new site is responsive! Which means it works OK on the iPad:

And on the iPhone (or iClone):

It also has more SEO silliness, so, yeah. For example, I still hate the phrase “intellectual property” and “IP” but SEO it is what it is.

Is everything perfect? No. Is everything good enough? Yes. So I launched it. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Putting that cliché another way, a good solution today is better than a perfect solution tomorrow.

Other notable stuff:

I also returned to Hugh Briss of Twitter Image to redesign my social media backgrounds, avatars, and the like:

I’m still ironing the creases, so if you notice anything odd, please let me know. Thanks!

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Erik J. Heels is a trademark and patent lawyer, Boston Red Sox fan, MIT engineer, and musician. He blogs about technology, law, baseball, and rock ‘n’ roll at erikjheels.com.