* Happy 550th Birthday To The Venetian Patent Statute!

This Is Our “17 Seconds” Newsletter #124: 17 Seconds = Useful Info Quickly.

Venice canal circa 2010. Venice was where modern day patent law started - in 1474. (Photo by Hedda Gjerpen, licensed to Erik J. Heels from iStockPhoto.)
Venice canal circa 2010. Venice was where modern day patent law started – in 1474. (Photo by Hedda Gjerpen, licensed to Erik J. Heels from iStockPhoto.)

Every modern patent law comes from it.

Every patent lawyer should memorize it.

The “Supreme” Court should read it (but they won’t).

Patent law POLICY is not meant to be complex. The Venetian Patent Statute (Patent Act of 1474) simplifies it:

“Dear smart inventor: bring your new invention to THIS PLACE, teach us how to make and use it, and we’ll give you a monopoly for a limited period of time. Deal?”


It’s the greatest peace of patent legislation ever and should be celebrated. The last significant anniversary was 25 years ago, just before Clocktower was formed. The next significant anniversary will in 25 years, at which point Clocktower should still be going strong (but I may not be).

So happy birthday Venetian Patent Statute!

Once more, FTW:

WE HAVE among us men of great genius, apt to invent and discover ingenious devices; and in view of the grandeur and virtue of our City, more such men come to us from divers parts. Now if provision were made for the works and devices discovered by such persons, so that others who may see them could not build them and take the inventor’s honor away, more men would then apply their genius, would discover, and would build devices of great utility and benefit to our Commonwealth.


BE IT ENACTED that, by the authority of this Council, every person who shall build any new and ingenious device in this City, not previously made in this Commonwealth, shall give notice of it to the office of our General Welfare Board when it has been reduced to perfection so that it can be used and operated. It being forbidden to every other person in any of our territories and towns to make any further device conforming with and similar to said one, without the consent and license of the author, for the term of 10 years. And if anybody builds it in violation hereof, the aforesaid author and inventor shall be entitled to have him summoned before any magistrate of this City, by which Magistrate the said infringer shall be constrained to pay him [one] hundred ducats; and the device shall be destroyed at once. It being, however, within the power and discretion of the Government, in its activities, to take and use any such device and instrument, with this condition however that no one but the author shall operate it.

Don’t forget to blow our your candles.

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