Write once, disrupt many.
By Erik J. Heels
First published 9/14/2016; YearOfDisruption.com; publisher: GiantPeople.
Greetings Contributors!
All articles for the Year of Disruption project (http://web.archive.org/*/www.yearofdisruption.com/) will be published unedited, but Contributors (https://codex.wordpress.org/Roles_and_Capabilities) will be able to edit them. We will send you a username/password after your article is queued for publication. You can send articles to us in any common format. We prefer to use your company logo (or a headshot photo) in the story as well (in any common format).
Articles should focus on a particular problem and explain possible solutions. It is OK to include your own solution as one of the possible solutions. You can see suggested topics here:
* Editorial Calendar (2016-09-01)
Fodder for thought.
If you would like to publish a personal bio with a photo, then we can do that as well. This is optional. You can see an example here:
* Disruptor Kelli Proia (2016-09-06)
We may republish articles from the YoD website (http://web.archive.org/*/www.yearofdisruption.com/) to social media sites and vice-versa. In rare cases, we may need to delete an article or revoke Contributor status. I can’t think of an example, but I know it’s possible. I blame law school for this paragraph.
Based on reader response, we may ask for additional articles. Thank you!
(not an editor, just a Disruptor)