* Podcast: The Brass Ring by Gina Ghioldi (feat. Erik J. Heels)

Patent Law Podcast, Trademark Law Podcast

Gina Ghioldi invited me to do a podcast recently. Here is Gina’s bio from her website:

Attorney Gina Ghioldi is the founder and President of The Law Office of Gina M. Ghioldi, P.C., a civil practice law firm with an office locate in Lexington, Massachusetts. She is a graduate of Simmons College and Suffolk University Law School, and is licensed to practice law in Massachusetts and the District of Columbia. Her firm provides legal services in all areas of general practice including divorce, real estate, wills and trusts, personal injury and small business law. Gina’s background in sales, marketing and management helps her support her entrepreneurial clients in the development of new business opportunities and collaborations.

Gina is a regular on-air legal contributor to NECN, the largest 24-hour regional news network in the country, specializing in long-form journalism and serving more than 3.7 million subscribers in more than 1,050 cities and towns in all six New England states. Gina also appears as a guest host and “call-in” legal expert on local and nationally syndicated radio shows.

And here is the blurb about the patent and trademark podcast from Gina’s blog:

Erik Heels is a patent and trademark attorney who does a lot more than practice law. He has worked for various Internet companies, including a four-year stint with Verio, which was sold for $6 billion cash in the largest cash deal in Internet history. Erik authored the very first book published simultaneously on the Internet and in print, done a solo “Top Gun” maneuver in a fighter jet, and swims in the Arctic Ocean for fun. To find out how you can protect that great idea you have, and how the Internet can help take your idea from the drawing board right to the bank, go to http://www.clocktowerlaw.com/people/erik-j-heels/.

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Erik J. Heels is an MIT engineer; trademark, domain name, and patent lawyer; Red Sox fan; and music lover. He blogs about technology, law, baseball, and rock ‘n’ roll at erikjheels.com.