* Podcast: What is High Speed Fiber Optic ISP Service Really Like? (feat. Erik J. Heels)

ErikJHeels’s First Podcast. I’m so proud.

Based on my article about Verizon FiOS TV Problems, I was interviewed by Phil Leigh of Inside Digital Media for a podcast about high-speed Internet access. The interview occurred on 12/21/07, and the podcast was published on 01/12/08. Here’s Phil’s take:

The principal factor retarding growth for Internet Video is the comparatively slow ISP bandwidth provided in the United States. Verizon has a chance to change that with its FiOS infrastructure. Perhaps by the end of this year they will see the wisdom of competing with the CATV companies at the cable company weak spot, to wit, truly high-speed Internet access.

Thank you to the hundreds of readers who read and share this blog. Now if I could just get Rick Klau to stop blogging about politics (and Barack Obama) for a second and share this item in his Google Reader Shared Items, then I’d be golden. I sometimes feel like I’m one step removed from the blogosphere, and Rick is usually that step.

By the way Rick, you’re shared items are still not appearing in Friends’ shared items in Google Reader. I think this might be because my Gmail account (from where I sent the Gmail Chat invitation) is a Google Apps Gmail account, and my Google Reader account is a “plain old” Google account.

One Reply to “* Podcast: What is High Speed Fiber Optic ISP Service Really Like? (feat. Erik J. Heels)”

  1. Done. 😉

    Looking into the Shared items in Reader, will let you know what’s up.

    Now, about this: “I sometimes feel like I’m one step removed from the blogosphere, and Rick is usually that step.”

    I can remove people from the blogosphere? Sweet.

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