* American Idol Top 8 Results

Erik goes two for three, Bucky goes home.

A Queen medley by the top 8, a series of interviews with folks back home, and three songs from the bottom three: Bucky, Ace, and Elliott. That’s how Fox filled up an hour to tell us that Bucky is going home. I had him picked as number seven of eight. Not too bad. Simon got it wrong, too, as I predicted.

So how am I doing over the last two weeks compared to the other American Idol pundits? Let’s see.

Pundit Bottom Three Results Bottom One Results
Erik J. Heels 5 for 6 0 for 2
Various and Sundry » American Idol 4 for 6 1 for 1
Reality TV Magazine 4 for 6 1 for 2
The Woes and the Prose of an American Idol Junkie 4 for 6 0 for 2
American Idol Season 5 Blog 3 for 6 0 for 2
Vote For The Worst 2 for 3 1 for 1
Simon Cowell NA 1 for 2

Next week: standards (and more?) from Rod Stewart.

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