Inspired by Paul English and the IVR Cheat Sheet.
Are you fed up with poor customer service? With phone systems that don’t let yo speak to human beings? Then the gethuman(tm) movement is for you.
Today, Paul English (and friends) launched the gethuman website (, which is an outgrowth of his highly successful IVR Cheat Sheet page on his personal blog (*/ What started as a way for consumers to by-pass automated voice mail systems has grown into something much larger.
In the name of full disclosure, I should mention that Paul is a client of Clock Tower Law Group (, and we’ve provided trademark help for the launch of the site ( But I’m not blogging it because he’s a client. I’m blogging it because it’s cool. Don’t get cause and effect confused.
In the spirit of full disclosure, Paul English is/was a client of Clock Tower Law Group and is mentioned and/or linked in this article.