Now with RSS feeds.
I have turbocharged my blogroll, more or less synchronizing it with my subscriptions from SharpReader, my preferred RSS aggregator. I have also included links to all of the RSS feeds for the blogs in my blogroll. Based on Rick Klau’s recommendation,
My blogroll includes friends (such as Rick, Ernie, Paul), MIT people who remember me (Ted), and MIT people who probably don’t (Simson). (Simson, FWIW, I was the one who decorated his machine and himself as a tiger in MIT’s 1987 2.70 mechanical engineering design contest.)
I’ve also included non-individual blogs — or GLOBs (Groups of Like-minded Online Bloggers) — such as Chilling Effects [EFF | Harvard | Stanford | Berkeley | USF | Maine Law] and Copyfight [Donna Wentworth | Elizabeth Rader | Ernest Miller | Jason Schultz | Aaron Swartz | Wendy Seltzer].
Also, in keeping with the principles of, I’ve included the authors name in each blogroll when the title of the blogroll itself doesn’t include the author’s name.
* In ’97 I called for a Uniform Computer Crimes Law after David LaMacchia case. Little has changed. #AaronSwartz #MIT