* RIFKIN Report #6: Harvard vs. MIT

RIFKIN helps you eliminate toxic takers from your life.


RIFKIN is easier to demonstrate than to describe. Here’s a demo.

Which group is more giverish: Harvard folks or MIT folks?

By way of background, I first put my contacts into a FileMaker database in 1988. I have been updating that database ever since, adding email addresses, relational database features, and more. I now have over 50,000 unique contacts in my database, with about 400 fields/record, which equals over 20,000,000 data points. I don’t use all 400 fields for RIFKIN, but I am always testing fields for statistical significance.

I have 2,297 Harvard folks in my database. RIFKIN categorizes them as follows:

I have 2,931 MIT folks in my database. RIFKIN categorizes them as follows:

So Harvard has more Strong Givers than MIT, but Harvard also has more Toxic Takers, while MIT has more Matchers.

Wouldn’t you like to know how many Toxic Takers are in your network?

RIFKIN Description

About GiantPeople RIFKIN. GiantPeople RIFKIN includes a personality test (like DISC assessment or Myers-Briggs) based on the teachings of Adam Grant’s “Give and Take” book. RIFKIN determines an individual’s reciprocity style (which in turn is an indicator of success) without the individual needing to take a test. About 0.5% of people are “Toxic Takers” (according to Adam Grant), and eliminating Toxic Takers from your network is the single most important thing that you can do (according to Adam Grant). RIFKIN helps you eliminate Toxic Takers and focus on givers who most benefit your company, group, or network. RIFKIN: like Myers-Briggs minus the test.

RIFKIN helps you eliminate toxic takers from your life. Subscribe to RIFKIN Report.

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