And since when is it FEMA’s job to generate business for local insurance agencies?
We recently received a piece of direct mail from FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S Department of Homeland Security. Here’s most of it:
In addition to the three-page letter, there is a six-page color insert (not scanned). Who is paying for this? Is it FEMA’s job to do marketing for insurance companies? It would be one thing if we lived in a flood plain, but we don’t. And the address isn’t even correct (no “Apt 100” here – it’s a house).
Your tax dollars at work.
FEMA is not marketing for insurance companies. FEMA administers the National Flood Insurance Program. explains that LOCAL Government must participate in the program for the Citizens in the area to obtain the program. is your link to program enrollment.
Your TAX dollars ARE at work. 🙂