* American Idol S07E39: Top 3

AI season 7 episode 39.

Best to worst. Numbers are singing order.

3. David Cook sang a Roberta Flack song (chosen by Simon). Randy wants to rock more. Simon said round one goes to Cook and Cowell.

9. David C. sang “I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing” by Aerosmith. I fear karaoke. Weird arrangement with strings. Loud. Crunchy. Boring. Randy said it was predictable. Paula did not attend tonight’s show. Simon said David wins the night.

1. David Archuleta sang a Billy Joel song (chosen by Paula). Simon said it was predictable.

2. Syesha Mercato sang an Alicia Keys song (chosen by Randy). Randy said she’s number three. (He didn’t mean it that way, but that’s the way it is.)

7. David A. sang “Longer.” Yuck. Predictable. Randy said hot. Paula did not attend tonight’s show. Simon hated the song lyrics, but said it was sung well.

6. David C. chose “Switchfoot.” I hope this song starts soon. A little shouty in the middle. And then the bear leaves. Randy said it was a little pitchy. Paula did not attend tonight’s show. Simon said it was OK.

5. Syesha chose “Fever” by Peggy Lee. Syesha continued her season-long audition for Broadway. Complete with contrived chair prop. She can sing, but there is nothing that distinguishes her voice or style from every other Broadway singer. Paula did not attend tonight’s show. Simon said she would regret the performance, calling it lame cabaret.

4. David A. chose a Chris Brown song. A melody-less Chris Brown song. I thought it was rough in the beginning. Randy didn’t think it was the right song. Paula did not attend tonight’s show. Simon said it was like a chihuahua trying to be a tiger.

8. Syesha sang some song I’ve never heard of. I hated it. Obviously, the producers want her to lose. Congratulations, producers, you win. Randy said it was just OK. Paula did not attend tonight’s show. Simon said meh.

Best to worst:
1. David Cook
2. Davie Archuleta
3. Syesha Mercato

Going home:
Syesha Mercato

If this show doesn’t get great again soon, I’m going to stop watching and stop blogging. This was the least satisfying top 3 show that I can remember. Not a single stand-out performance. Boo.

2 Replies to “* American Idol S07E39: Top 3”

  1. To absolutely nobody’s surprise, Syesha Mercato was voted off the island in S07E40. It’s a David vs. David finale.

    EJH’s score, this week: 100% (1/1)
    EJH’s score, cumulative: 58% (21/36)

  2. I feel the same way you do here, the producers are getting what they wanted anyway they can. I think it is obvious to most of us who they want for the last two contestants………..the two D’s.

    They shot Seyesha for sure with their song choice.
    David A. didn’t do himself any good with his song choice either.
    David cook is the only one that has a fully rounded ability to make a song his own, some better than others. I don’t find myself setting here wondering what does he think he is doing, like I have with the others.

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