* 6-6-66 + 40 = 6-6-6: Erik’s 40th Birthday And Non-Evil 666 Trademark Offer

I am not a hexakosioihexekontahexaphobic.

I was born on 06-06-1966. Today, 06-06-2006, is my 40th birthday. I am not a hexakosioihexekontahexaphobic <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia>, my name is not Damien, and I have no telling scars on my head, but, as you can imagine, I’ve heard all the jokes about my birthday.

Today (2006), the world’s population is about 6.5 billion and there are about 200,000 births per day. In 1966, the world’s population was about 3.5 billion and there were about 100,000 births per day. I know one other person with the exact same birthday as mine (and she is also a lawyer), but I don’t know the other 99,998 folks out there. Personally, I like my odds of being non-evil. I did dress up as Dr. Evil <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Evil> for an Austin Power movie party in the summer of 1999, but I’m not sure that proves that I’m evil.

To prove that I am not evil and not about to take over the world, my law firm, Clock Tower Law Group, will offer its trademark registration services free* for every 6th new client that signs up in next 66 days. Furthermore, for all new clients that sign up in the next 66 days, I guarantee** that if you file a trademark with Clock Tower Law Group, then you will get a registered trademark or I will give you your money back. It’s our non-evil 666 trademark offer.

*There are strings attached. “Free” means that applicants will pay for the USPTO’s filing fees (and other costs, such as postage) but not the firm’s legal fees. It currently costs $325 to file a trademark for one class. Responses to office actions, oppositions, interferences, and the like are not included in the “free” part – just the initial filing. In about two-thirds of the cases, Clock Tower Law Group does not receive any office actions after the initial filing, and registered trademarks issue in about 11-13 months from when they were filed. The “free” services will be provided to every 6th new client who signs up with Clock Tower Law Group for the 66-day period starting 06-06-2006 and ending 08-11-2006 (inclusive). Winners will be posted on the erikjheels.com weblog. One becomes a new client by returning Clock Tower Law Group’s proposal letter to the firm. To be eligible, sign up for this promotion at Clock Tower Law Group’s website <http://www.clocktowerlaw.com/666.html>.

**We can make this guarantee because we do a trademark search as part of every application and only recommend filing a trademark application when there is a good chance of success. The guarantee means that if the USPTO objects to your trademark, then we will give you the option of (1) pursuing another trademark under the same “free” conditions as your first trademark (i.e. you pay the filing fee) or (2) we will refund any legal fees you paid to us.

By the way, if I were evil and were planning on taking over the world, here is how I would start. On 6-6-6, the 40th anniversary of my 6-6-66 birth, I would post a message with the subject “Macintosh vs. Windows: Which Is Better?” on every mailing list that I belong to, encouraging members to cross-post the question to other lists. The resultant flame wars would incite a civil war between Windows and Macintosh enthusiasts. I’m not sure what I’d do next, but that’s how I’d start.

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74 Replies to “* 6-6-66 + 40 = 6-6-6: Erik’s 40th Birthday And Non-Evil 666 Trademark Offer”

  1. This is so cool !
    I’m Louis From Quebec born on 06/06/66. I like to freek out pepole when they ask for my ID !!!
    Fun to read all of you, it’s like reading somme parts of my life !
    Wood like to heare from you guys at Loulab_6@yahoo.ca

  2. Heres another one! Born in Kentucky 06/06/66 I have always felt special with my birthday. When people make stupid inconsiderate comments I just just look at them with a “burst into flames” stare and the situation usually takes care of itself! LOL Thanks for letting me know that I am not alone out there. Love to all my bithday twins!

  3. I just came across this. Not feeling very motivated this morning! I also share this birthday and am a lawyer. Never met anyone with the same birthday before so it is funny to see so many people with it as well as another fellow member of the Bar.

  4. Last of 10 children born in England, and from a chritian back ground, I have heard about and read Revelation 13 a 100 times.

    My Father forever talked about Revelations on every single birthday.

    I have a scare in my forehead which I have great pleasure in telling people that it’s one of many brithmarks and if magnified has 6 little spots inside.

    People freak!! I also have vivied dreams which come true and my siblings do get scared when I tell them I had a dream – My brothers read taret cards and are into astology in a big way.

    I have worked in the Pharmaceutical and National Health service for many years and eat well, but never keep fit!

    6/6/1966 is a great day to be born on but I find people either love me to bits or hate me with a vengence waiting to see me fall.

    But I am very spiritual and believe there is a GOD and know he is master of all things and time.

    If a 666 club is to be created time is at hand – I would love to meet you all on our 66th birthday on the map setting 666c were ever that is!! – has anyone looked it up.

    Peace – love – respec

  5. I have never met anyone who shares my birthday. 6/6/66 has been a topic of conversation ever since I was little and I heard every evil joke and comment you could imagin. After awhile I started to believe the nasty little comments and felt I needed to live up to the image.
    Satan, the devil, lusifer, scars on my head….. Hey, you never know ?

  6. I am so happy to have found others with the same birthday, I too was born on 6/6/66 8lbs 6 ozs, but make number 7 out of eight children, Mazhar Khan has me beat I think there should definately be a club. it’s funny I do maintance for a living but I think I would make a hell of a lawyer. My mother checked my head too after seeing he movie. I am not evil but I have very different views and I am very anti extablishment. would love to talk to everybody on here I’ve always wondered. email jsantana6619@gmailcom/

  7. I am worried that all of you will rise again and take over the world. Your children are the spawns of satan as you are. Please do not kill your mothers/siblings.
    One day it will all be yours.

  8. hi,eric i was born 10-6-66.and i hate to tell people my birth date.always something said,or they just stupid or is there something to it ,i mean our names having 666 in it.i wonder however i have never attempted to dig to deep.but it makes me feel ashamed or guilty

  9. 6/6/66 here too – born near Chester UK. Lived opposite a country church for all early life and saw Omen film when about 13, then had nightmares about older brother dragging me into church at night and unrolling bundle of knives !! that should tell you that HE was the evil one!!! He also used to think it was really funny to keep checking my head for 666 marks – anyone watching would have thought I had nits (kooties – I think they are called in the US).

  10. i was born in vienna austria 06/06/1966 .i now live in australia and my drivers licence on the back has 666 which has had the police scratching there heads on whether to book me or just walk away slowly.to this date no tickets yet is that evil.

    1. That’s too funny!! My name is Claudine and I was born on 6-6-66. My birth date has gotten me out of two speeding tickets (when I was younger). One was on Halloween and I was dressed as a witch and the other was on a Friday the 13th, which is a bad luck day here in the USA. I guess the policeman didn’t want to test his luck!!

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