* American Idol Top 7 Results

Erik goes two for three (again), Ace goes home.

To absolutely nobody’s surprise, Ace went home tonight. Ace was joined in the bottom three by Chris and Paris. I had Paris ranked second but she ended up being sixth. Taylor, who “may or may not have had the most number of votes,” according to Ryan, was told that he was safe and then had the unpleasant/unfair task of guessing which group of three was the bottom three. At least he threw Ryan for a loop by walking from one group to the other. But, please, let’s not make the contestants judges. It’s hard enough being a contestant.

Rod Stewart sang. I didn’t like the live version any more than the 30 second clips on iTunes.

The good news is that I am second in accuracy only to DialIdol.com over the last three weeks. (Hey, VFTW, you can’t pick four for your bottom three. That’s two wrong, or one for three. Plus, all, try to make your predictions before DialIdol.com publishes its results.)

Pundit Bottom Three Results Bottom One Results
DialIdol.com 8 for 9 2 for 3
Erik J. Heels 7 for 9 1 for 3
The Woes and the Prose of an American Idol Junkie 7 for 9 1 for 3
Reality TV Magazine 6 for 9 2 for 3
Various and Sundry » American Idol 5 for 9 2 for 2
American Idol Season 5 Blog 4 for 9 1 for 3
Vote For The Worst 1 for 6 1 for 2
Simon Cowell NA 2 for 3

Next week: greatest love songs with help from Andrea Bocelli. Love songs from which era? What style? I have no clue what that will be like.

One Reply to “* American Idol Top 7 Results”

  1. Frankly I thought Taylor’s stunt was calculated and he seemed to enjoy being a judge. Last season, Bo would not take sides. What does that say about Taylor. Not much and I used like him. I thought he was quirky, but now he seems more like a creep. For more Idol chatter, check out http://www.musingsofamaniac.com

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