* Massachusetts Bar Oath

Massachusetts Attorney’s Oath.

On 1995-06-20, I became a member of the Massachusetts Bar and took the Massachusetts Bar Oath:

I (repeat the name) solemnly swear that I will do no falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in court; I will not wittingly or willingly promote or sue any false, groundless or unlawful suit, nor give aid or consent to the same; I will delay no man for lucre or malice; but I will conduct myself in the office of an attorney within the courts according to the best of my knowledge and discretion, and with all good fidelity as well to the courts as my clients. So help me God.

Both Maine and Massachusetts claim to have the oldest bar oath in the country. But Maine used to be part of Massachusetts, so it’s open to debate. Unlike Massachusetts, Maine includes an affirmative duty to inform the court of any ‘intention to commit falsehood.’ I’ve highlighted the differing clause in my post about the Maine Bar Oath.

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Erik J. Heels is a trademark and patent lawyer, Boston Red Sox fan, MIT engineer, and musician. He blogs about technology, law, baseball, and rock ‘n’ roll at erikjheels.com.

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