* Happy Birthdays To Clocktower And Its Website

Clocktower turns 11, Clocktower’s website turns 15.

If you know me, then you know that brevity is not my strong suit.

Even if you don’t know me, you should know that brevity is not my strong suit.

So I’ll try to keep this brief.

Eleven years ago today, I started my law practice, now known as Clocktower Law Group. Fifteen (yes, 15) years ago today, I launched my law firm’s website.

How is it, you ask, that I had a law firm website before having a law practice? Because before I was a lawyer working as a lawyer, I was a lawyer working as a marketeer for:

  • 6+ years, at
  • 6 startups, including a
  • $6 billion exit (Verio).

Such symmetry. It’s pleasing.

This year, as usual, I’ve got a few projects in the works. More on that later. Working on the symmetry thing.

Thanks to my friends, my family, my coworkers, and the dreamers I work with every day. The first 11 years have been a blast. Looking forward to the next 11!

And for those who have not yet RSVPed, I hope to see you at Happy Winter Friends, the 11th anniversary party for Clocktower, featuring music by The MCats Band (the best party band in Greater Acton-Boxboro), on Friday 03/23/12 in Maynard.

Those who are about to rock salute you!

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Erik J. Heels is an MIT engineer; trademark, domain name, and patent lawyer; Red Sox fan; and music lover. He blogs about technology, law, baseball, and rock ‘n’ roll at erikjheels.com.

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