One Reply to “* Open House Packet, Plot Plan, Deed”

  1. The previous owner was concerned about identity theft and asked that I remove the deed from the website. So I removed it.

    I’m also in the process of shutting down the website and moving the content to because the Knowlton Drive site gets so few visitors (about one per day).

    FWIW, property deeds (including signatures thereon) are public records, are not subject to copyright, and can be accessed by all from the Massachusetts Registry of Deeds website:

    So even though not required by law or ISP policy, I removed the deed. Because I’m such a nice guy.

    It is admittedly ironic that public records may help criminals commit identity theft. ID theft resources are here:

    Btw, if you are concerned about your signature appearing in deeds (and thereby becoming public records), then you can give your lawyer power of attorney to sign for you. I have purchased five houses, I have attended one closing (the first).

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